Body Webs: Performative Resonance and Resistance

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Volume 3 in the Over_Flowing Horizons series: A UERJ-PPGArtes collection on Art and Contemporary Culture.

Book 3, Body Webs – Performative Resonance and Resistance, following the “Art, Thought and Performativity” research line of the program, features chapters associated with the concept of performativity in contemporary art, involving theoretical-critical-experimental issues related to forms of action engendered by the body as a whole, which implies multiple evaluations of acts of speech, acts of thought, acts of scene and
acts of culture, focusing on the expansion of poetic, artistic and political developments in the sphere of sensitivity.


The Over_Flowing Horizons series, organized by Luciana Lyra and Paloma Carvalho Santos, brings together digital volumes related to the five lines of research in the PPGArtes-UERJ program, prioritizing focus on “Art and Contemporary Culture” and the means of resistance for art research in the current scenario of the pandemic, post-pandemic and dismantle policies in Brazilian universities. The series approaches contemporaneity through aesthetic practices, new ways of existing and feeling which engender alternative forms of visibility, particularly
in this intense period of de structuring of the means of art making  and reflecting upon this important field of action. Readers interested in art, its  field and political dimension are the target audience of this collection.

Artist-researchers in this volume:

Adriana Rolin
Andrea Pech
Cristiane Souza
Eloiza Gurgel
Fernanda Dias
Gabriela Tarouco
Isabela Frade
Isabel Hennig
Isabel Reis
Izak Dahora
Judivânia M. N. Rodrigues
Kleber Lourenço
Lisa Miranda
Luciana Lyra
Nanci de Freitas
Maria Madeira
Paulo de Melo
Rafael Grillo
Renata de Mello C. Pereira
Ribamar Ribeiro
Robson Carlos Haderchpek
Urubatan Miranda