Cities, Inscriptions, Crossings

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Volume 5 in the Over_Flowing Horizons series: A UERJ-PPGArtes collection on Art and Contemporary Culture.

In consonance with the “Art, Subject and City” research line of the program, in book 5 of this collection, entitled Cities, Inscriptions, Crossings, the art pertaining to the works presented is not only the production of artifacts and events but, mainly, the praxis defining ways of being and inhabiting the city.  A city not only in its generic sense, but, each time, this city, the city that tattoos on the bodies of those inhabiting it its wounds, its silencing, its absence and purging. A city where art is said to be, in turn, a gesture that makes its mark as a powerhouse for the creation of times and spaces of life and self-assembly, for the experimentation of subjective ways and the production of presence as an individual albeit always collective autopoiesis.

The Over_Flowing Horizons series, organized by Luciana Lyra and Paloma Carvalho Santos, brings together digital volumes related to the five lines of research in the PPGArtes-UERJ program, prioritizing focus on “Art and Contemporary Culture” and the means of resistance for art research in the current scenario of the pandemic, post-pandemic and dismantle policies in Brazilian universities. The series approaches contemporaneity through aesthetic practices, new ways of existing and feeling which engender alternative forms of visibility, particularly
in this intense period of de structuring of the means of art making  and reflecting upon this important field of action. Readers interested in art, its  field and political dimension are the target audience of this collection.


Artist-researchers in this volume:

Aldo Victorio
Alex Frechette
Alexandre Sá
Ana Valéria de Figueiredo
Andreas Valentin
Cassia Lyrio
Denise Espírito Santo
Elisangela Martins
Gustavo Barreto
Ingrid Lemos
Isabel Carneiro
Jorge Cruz
Lílian do Valle
Lisa Nascimento Gomes de Miranda
Nathan Braga
Renata Gesomino
Rodrigo Guéron
Thamires Burlandy da Mota Chagas
Vanessa Libório
Victor Tufani Nunes